Below is a selection of testimonials from veterans that have attended previous expeditions with VetRun180. It is always great for us to hear the positive impact our expeditions make to the injured veterans.
The application process was straight forward with personal interaction from a team leader from the very beginning.
During the second video call of the application process I was offered a place on the Sweden Expedition and from that moment, I had this amazing opportunity to look forward to. That alone, was enough to change my outlook on problems which were previously feeling too substantial and weighing me down.
I can honestly say that VetRun180 has changed my life. I’ve returned to my normal self and dug myself out of the hole I previously felt I was in.
There is comfort in knowing there is a charity out there who offer what VetRun do. This, along with now having met like-minded ex military personnel who have a mixture of their own personal issues.
Meeting, getting to know, and becoming friends with these guys and understanding their problems they’re dealing with, somehow helps in more ways than can be explained.
My VetRun experience began the moment I was offered a place on the expedition and I can’t thank everyone involved in the charity enough.
The Sweden expedition itself was one of the best weeks of my life. The trip was planned and executed to perfection.
As mentioned many times on the expedition, it truly is a ‘bucket list’ trip and one very few would ever be fortunate to experience.
I can’t imagine anyone not benefiting in some way from a VetRun180 expedition. At no point within the trip was any stress or overwhelming responsibilities forced upon the beneficiaries. This is a result of excellent prior organisation and on-the-ground leading from the TL’s, therefore I would recommend VetRun180 to anyone.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the successful running of VetRun180, and know, that the charity truly is achieving what its set out to do.
Many thanks for this experience of a life time.
Scott - VetRun180 - Beneficiary
ScottI found out about VetRun180 through a former beneficiary who had been on one of the Sweden trips. I cannot give high enough praise to all the TLs and benefactors for what they have put together. This trip has had such an immediate impact on my mental health, and hopefully will be the catalyst for long term change.
A fantastic trip with an awesome group of individuals. It will challenge you, and if you let it, it will change you!
I want to thank everyone that that made this trip possible, to be back with lads from a military background was brilliant and the banter was flowing immediately! Every single person brought something to this epic road trip and made every day one to remember…The only downside was that it had to come to an end. I’d highly recommend applying for one of these trips for a challenge and to get behind this charity!
Kind regards
Kemsley - VetRun180 - Beneficiary - Portugal 07/23Where to start with what can only be described as a dream , the amount of memories, fantastic moments and experiences condensed into 7 days is something I never thought possible , a whole lap of Portugal , from the highest peak or Torre to the clear waters and crashing waves of Nazare the in the Atlantic Ocean home to the greatest surfers in the world , as a keen surfer myself this place to me was so meaningful and will forever echo in my memories .
We traveled across green pastures and flat lands of rice fields spotting stalks and a mongoose to almost desert like conditions inches to the borders of Spain where fire ants would prove that no obstacle is too small for them to overcome.
The group were extremely enthusiastic, friendly and hospitable along with the DS team who were very well organised , experienced , well mannered and professional .
What an honour and a distinct privilege to spend share this time with each and every one of these amazing individuals who came together as strangers and are now leaving as friends and brothers .
Huge thank you to VetRun, beneficiaries ,DS and those hard at work behind the scenes who are hard at work making a difference, changing the perspectives attitudes to on a path to a better life.
It was a challenge and it certainly did make a change ❤️
Drew - VetRun180 Chef - Beneficiary
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you!
Andrew - VetRun180 - Beneficiary - Portugal 06/23I had heard of Vetrun180 on quite a few occasions, Ross Turner one of the Team leaders was my Section Commander in basic training and we stayed in touch.
I’d seen he had been a part of quite a few expeditions in the past that looked amazing, after catching up with him on the phone one morning and chatting about things that only people who have served can relate to he said that I qualified to go on an expedition and said why don’t you apply. I did and after speaking to another Team Leader from the charity I was asked if I would like to go go on a trip with VetRun180.
It sounded like the trip of a lifetime “Ski-mobiling around the Arctic Circle “ I really couldn’t turn it down!
I joined the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards in September 2005 and It was always my intention to serve my full 22 years but unfortunately in 2010 whilst serving in Afghanistan, I was hit by an I.E.D and this lead to my medical discharge in 2013.
I don’t want to come across as selfish but I really needed this trip and I know that Sweden will be one of the best adventures I ever got to be part of.
How many people can say they’ve snowmobiled around the arctic circle, been ice finishing, seen and ate Reindeer and witnessed the Northern Lights!
Also this trip wouldn’t have been the same without the blokes, apart from Ross I’d never met the other lads on this trip, we all had our own personal reasons for being there, some physically and some mentally but we were all there for the same reason. A strong brotherhood was formed in just 7 days and the banter was on a different level.
I’d like to thank every single one of them for listening, sharing stories and making memories of a lifetime.
BIG BIG THANK YOU TO VETRUN180, from the Trustees, the Team Leaders and all the people behind the scenes to make this work and who help so many veterans on different trips around the world.
Billy - VetRun180 - BeneficiaryI found myself waiting in the airport for a bunch of lads who I had never met or spoken to before. Almost instantly, when the team all arrived, it just seemed like everyone fell back into the banter and family like team spirit that is so missing in society that only serving or ex serving members will ever truly understand.
The trip was, by far, something that really was needed for myself personally, having the time away with like-minded individuals who can share their own experiences in an amazing setting was a huge, and much needed, reset for me
I was finding things difficult to adjust in civilian life and I found myself getting distant from things that were important.
The trip really helped myself understand that many others are going through the same as me. By being placed in this team brought back a sense of belonging and togetherness and adventure.
Personally, I ticked off many things that were on my bucket list on the trip.
The Arctic Circle, Snowmobiling through the Swedish Lapland, seeing the Northern Lights to name but a few.
I experienced some of the best memories of my life, with some of the most amazing people that I have had the pleasure of spending time with.
Sharing this trip with the highest calibre of people was simply phenomenal.
l owe a lot to the VetRun180 family, you have supported me and I will forever be grateful for what you stand for and what you help others like myself achieve.
Thank you to all the team leaders as you are not only inspirational but a real credit to the charity.
I'm an ex Royal Marine Commando, and years after leaving the military, I suffered with PTSD and I was in a very dark place, luckily I got help but still wasn't 100% and then I herd of VetRun180 through a friend who was involved with VetRun180.
I got invited to go on an off-road expedition from the east coast to the west coast of Scotland. I said I'd go but as the date came closer I nearly cancelled because I started to get very anxious, but as there moto says "if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you ", so I still went along.
I'm very glad I did because not only did I meet some great people who are also going through some personal challenges, it helped me relax and enjoy what is actually important in life.
Not only did Vetrun180 help me challenge myself, VetRun180 reminded me that being outdoors and outside your comfort zone is a good thing.
Big thank you to Vetrun180 and everyone involved.
Mark - VetRun180 - BeneficiaryVETRUN 180 takes you away from the strains and pressures of the day to day battles of PTSD. You’re among friends that have the same goal and the same desire, to overcome what haunts us each day. VETRUN allows you to speak to likeminded people without the fear of being judged. The expeditions give you a huge sense of achievement. You can once again feel alive and at the end of the journey achieve something that makes you feel proud. The main thing I have taken away from VETRUN 180, I am not alone, I have a new family of friends that understand how I feel and are non-judgmental . The expedition has given me treatment that far exceeds that of any in a clinical environment. I hope to take part again in one of the VETRUN 180 expeditions or to help others get involved in VETRUN 180.
Darren - Army Air Corps