In December 2022, three of Vetrun180’s team leaders – all of whom are former beneficiaries and now volunteer for the charity – travelled to Lulea, Sweden via Oslo and Stockholm. Ross, Ben and Mack were heading to Sweden to gain their snowmobile licences so they could act as guides for the next planned expedition in February 2023.

They were also conducting a reconnaissance of the route and accommodation that the group would use. Training team leaders to act as guides helps reduce expedition costs, and therefore increase funds available to benefit its beneficiaries.  

Jonas Gejke and his company Aurora Safaris ( hosted the Vetrun180 team leaders for the week. The course consisted of classroom and practical lessons, tests and practical assessments.

While in Sweden, the team leaders also learned the skills required to help guide future expeditions such as ice fishing and snowmobile recovery techniques, and they furthered their knowledge of the local area.

Ross, Ben and Mack all felt that they had achieved a considerable amount in preparation for the next expedition. They thoroughly enjoyed the course and the skills that they learned and are looking forward to utilising them in the near future.